Leadership is the art of inspiring others, influencing thoughts, emotions, and actions. At Leadership Coaching with Irina Kulmann, we specialize in cultivating Authentic Leadership, recognized as the highest form of leadership. Through personalized 1:1 sessions, you’ll define clear objectives, create actionable plans, and conquer obstacles. Together, we’ll design bespoke solutions that address your unique challenges, empowering you to lead with confidence and achieve extraordinary results.


Are you a driven manager or visionary entrepreneur aiming to lead effectively? This bespoke program is crafted specifically for you. Through personalized coaching with Irina, you’ll uncover and hone authentic leadership skills that resonate powerfully on both personal and organizational levels. Together, we’ll design a custom development plan tailored to your unique strengths and ambitions, turning it into reality by tapping into your inner motivation and cultivating a resourceful mindset for optimal results.

Embark on a transformative coaching journey that seamlessly blends personal growth with practical application. Empower yourself to excel and ignite exponential growth within your team, creating a lasting and impactful leadership legacy.


The key barrier to business growth often lies within its leadership. While conventional wisdom attributes only 20% of leadership success to qualifications, the remaining 80% is rooted in mentality and psychology. Authentic leadership, fueled by visionary thinking, holds immense power to inspire beyond self-interest, fostering a legacy of significance. Though the path to authentic leadership is challenging, it is attainable through specialized coaching that nurtures personal growth and development.


Irina is an Executive Leadership Coach, accredited as a Master Coach, entrepreneur, author, and keynote speaker with a unique personal and professional trajectory.

From running her own business consulting firm to holding a senior executive position in Denmark, where she lived for more than twenty years, Irina has established herself as an authentic leader. Her 13 years of expertise in professional coaching defined her journey, and her passion for guiding people towards authenticity and excellence became her life mission.

The transition from businesswoman to professional coach was neither easy nor planned. A major health challenge interrupted Irina’s journey into the world of business. During her recovery, she invested years in personal development, through the study and application of neuroscience, NLP, coaching, and leadership. This journey of deep learning led her to a career in life coaching.

She has delivered over 4,000 hours of individual coaching across Europe and the USA.



Exclusive 1:1 Individual and Personalized Leadership Coaching Program

Many attempts at positive change falter because we fail to transform knowledge into actionable habits. True transformation demands more than understanding—it requires the disciplined evolution of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. To foster enduring change and cultivate a growth mindset, we must forge new neural pathways through consistent, daily practice.

This program transcends mere learning to emphasize integration. Whether you’re a manager or an entrepreneur, it aims to elevate your self-awareness and mold a leadership style that is both authentically personal and strategically aligned with your organization.

Achieving excellence in this leadership journey necessitates intertwining personal growth with practical execution, ensuring that heightened self-awareness manifests in tangible transformations and impactful results.


Here are some of the topics we delve into…


The most powerful leaders continually refine their ‘inner game,’ tirelessly striving to sustain inner motivation and a resourceful state. Their charisma fuels a relentless passion for excellence, inspiring their teams to achieve peak performance. Both transformative change and the realization of ambitious goals demand substantial energy. While physical training can boost energy, tapping into a compelling vision and purpose can invigorate even in the face of exhaustion.

Nevertheless, internal conflicts can quickly drain your energy, regardless of your physical fitness and clarity of vision. Balancing the demands of your inner world with external priorities can be challenging. Through this coaching program, you’ll master the skills needed to navigate these conflicts and cultivate positive relational energy—the cornerstone of leadership excellence and organizational success.


Emotional Intelligence is the silent yet powerful force shaping our actions and behaviors, steering us through the complexities of social interactions. To make optimal decisions and achieve extraordinary results, cultivating a high level of emotional intelligence is essential. It leaves an indelible mark on every aspect of our lives, profoundly influencing our performance.

The ability to navigate and regulate emotions anchors us during turbulent times, providing stability when life’s most secure elements waver. In a world of rapid change and uncertainty, true leadership lies in fostering a sense of security by inspiring adaptability and resilience. Consciously or not, emotions drive every action we take.

In this coaching program, you’ll master the art of emotional management, empowering you to tackle personal and professional challenges with exceptional finesse. By consistently mastering emotional regulation, you’ll cultivate a deep sense of trust in your leadership, attracting others to seek your support, vision, understanding, and guidance.


At the core of our existence lies the quality of our relationships. Building strong connections goes beyond mere rapport; it involves truly understanding, appreciating, and empathizing with others. It’s about mutual support in achieving team and organizational aspirations.

“The Quantum Leader” empowers you with the skills needed to deepen relationships beyond surface-level interactions. By uncovering the underlying truths of what people express, you can support them while propelling your leadership and organizational goals forward. Learn effective strategies to recognize and celebrate the successes of key individuals—an essential element in retaining top talent within your organization or team. Foster lasting connections that drive success.


Your values and beliefs are the driving forces behind your decisions, shaping the course of your life. It’s easy to overlook the empowering beliefs that lead to success and become ensnared by limiting ones. Every day, you have the power to prioritize what truly matters, aligning your actions with your core beliefs and directing your energy toward your goals. Exhaustion often emanates from personal challenges or stressful organizational relationships.

The growth of any business significantly depends on the psychology and skills of its leader. That’s why this program focuses on enhancing your psychology, beginning with your words, thoughts, and beliefs. Equip yourself to thrive and lead with purpose.


Creating a fulfilling life is an art rooted in profound self-awareness and authenticity. Can you achieve success without feeling fulfilled? Absolutely—many do so daily. However, how often have you reached what you thought you wanted, only to feel emptiness shortly after?

Fulfillment is deeply personal, with each individual possessing a unique formula. Through this leadership coaching journey, you’ll uncover your personalized formula for fulfillment and learn how to integrate it into your everyday life.


Unshakeable Winning Mindset:

Embrace a mentality that drives perseverance, success, and resilience.

Efficient Mastery of Attitudes:

Boost your productivity and operational efficiency while minimizing chaos and crises.

Fearless Decision-Making:

Build the courage and confidence to make powerful decisions guided by intuitive insights.

Authentic Leadership and Inner Harmony:

Lead with authenticity, inspiring and motivating those around you.

Continuous Growth Mindset:

Cultivate an adaptable and forward-thinking approach to overcoming challenges.

Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Gain deep insights into your true desires, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Advanced Learning and Coaching Abilities:

Develop valuable skills that empower your team and promote collective growth.


“I met Irina at a challenging moment in my career, that is, right at the beginning of a new project ,in a new country, building from scratch a new team.
The impediments of this new beginning were: new culture, new environment, the client was sceptic to work with us and of course the fear. Irina enabled me, coached me and given me the confidence. She helped me make it happen. Irina helped me to identify and eliminate blockages that prevent me from using my true potential, to regain my inner strength and maintain a balance in everything. She helped me to understand that I have unlimited potential. As consequence, now I am manager and I am happy with my mission and role. I will continue the journey together with Irina. She is my coach and mentor helping me to live a life full of satisfaction, success and fulfillment. I highly recommend Irina for professionalism and passion that she is doing.”

–  Monica Besleaga, Application Architect Business Intelligence ; SAS Consultant ; People Manager IBM

“Irina is a source of inspiration to me. She has helped me during my career as an entrepreneur to develop and grow my business, to exceed important challenges and obtain great results, and at the same time having her support in my personal development and life. She is solutions and results oriented; a true professional. One of the best persons I know that can help one find inner motivation and a resourceful state. I am happy to have the opportunity to collaborate with her and I recommend her with all confidence.”
– Daniela Bogdescu, Entrepreneur, Owner @ TELINFINITY | Premium Technology Products


Book a free 30-minute consultation with Irina today to discuss how “The Quantum Leader” can transform your leadership approach.

Take action today and become the leader you aspire to be!
